I J McIntosh Butchers
G-MAK was approached by Gavin McIntosh from I J McIntosh Butchers, Fraserburgh in April 2021.
Gavin advised that they had outgrown their existing shop, so the family had purchased the old car showroom just around the corner to re-invent the business on a grand new scale. Could we help with the fit-out please…..and it has to be open by mid-November ready for Xmas?
What we did
This project was indeed a challenge and so working alongside Gavin we quickly produced a complete design scheme for the front retail shop, back shop area and exterior frontage. Work started in July 2021 and Gavin had a big shopping list that included the following:
Eurocryor KITE B bespoke straight glass serveover counter
We installed a bespoke Eurocryor model KITE B serve-over counter with straight glass and special tasting table, plus a model GEMINI low-height multideck to form the stunning centrepiece of the retail shop.
The counter alone provides over 8 metres of display of fresh meat, cooked meats, pies and deli. We also use GMAK for maintenance services
Benefits and results
The results speak for themselves. Gavin had the grand opening on 12th November 2021 as planned and – most importantly –now has a huge, bustling, optimistic stream of new and existing customers.
Gary, Sean and the G-MAK team were delighted to have been given the opportunity by Gavin to participate in this susbstantial project. We worked tirelessly with all hands on deck to take the empty shell and refit it inside & out to create the stunning new butchery & food hall that you see today.